Autor: Alexandra Prairie Charm

Grow your own cutting garden with COSMOS FLOWER! / Dopestujte si vlastné kvety na rez – Krasuľka perovitá

If you plan to have your own cutting garden this is the right place to learn more. Today I`ll write more about a favorite annual which is a must in all cottage gardens. Plus they look super pretty in a vase. Together with Sweat Pea (HERE) you can grow your own flowers and cut them all summer long and probably until early fall too. I also wrote a post how to make and use small flower bouquets HERE.
Pokiaľ si chcete dopestovať vlastné kvety na rez, ste na správnom mieste. Dnes si povieme niečo o obľúbenej letničke, ktorá určite nesmie chýbať v každej vidieckej záhrade. Zároveň je tou pravou, ktorú môžete využiť na rez do vázy. Spolu s hrachorom voňavým (pozri TENTO príspevok) si tak môžete dopestovať vlastné kvety, ktoré si užívate počas celého leta a dokonca až do skorej jesene. Nedávno som písala ako ich využiť TU.

Cosmos Flower
  • you can start seed indoors, 4-6 weeks before the last frost. This will speed flowering by couple of weeks
  • they are also perfect for direct sowing
  • you have to wait until all danger of frost has past before sowing and transplanting outdoors – never rush it, the frost can kill them
  • choose a site in the garden that gets full sun but they also grow in partial shade
  • you have to keep cutting them to get more flowers
  • if you fall behind, simply shear the plants by about 1/3 when most of the flowers have faded – you`ll get a second flush of leaves and flowers
  • tall varieties can flop over so you will need some type of staking

Krasuľka perovitá
  • s výsevom môžeme začať vo vnútri približne 4-6 týždňov pred poslednými mrazmi. Tento proces by mal urýchliť zakvitnutie o niekoľko týždňov
  • sú tiež vhodné na priamy výsev
  • predtým ako sa rozhodnete ich presadiť/vysadiť na záhradu, vždy počkajte na posledné mrazy – veľmi ľahko ich zničia, preto sa neponáhľajte
  • najvhodnejšie je slnečné stanovište, dobrý je aj polotieň
  • aby ste docielili maximálne kvetenstvo, je nevyhnutné odstraňovať odumreté kvety
  • pokiaľ ste na tento proces pozabudli, stačí keď rastlinu zastrihnete o 1/3 a objavia sa nové listy a kvety
  • vysoké odrody sa môžu lámať, preto je potrebné im zabezpečiť oporu

I hope this post was helpful! Please let me know…

Dúfam, že vám tento príspevok pomohol! Dajte mi vedieť…

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Birthday presents / Narodeninové darčeky

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Hello Friday! Oh, did the week fly by… too fast I think. As promised, today I share my birthday presents I got last week. So happy about each of them ♥ So let`s see… But first look at my WISH LIST.
Vitaj piatok! Tento týždeň preletel nejako príliš rýchlo… Ako som sľúbila, dnes vám prinášam niekoľko mojich narodeninových darčekov, ktoré som dostala minulý týždeň. Každému z nich som strašne rada ♥ Poďme sa na ne pozrieť… TU si môžete pozrieť wish list.
My most darling gift is the new Olympus PEN-F
Určite najväčšiu radosť mi urobil nový foťák Olympus PEN-F ♥
I have been wanting a snail extract facial creme for so long… I found one produced by a local brand MODRÁ PÚPAVA. It`s a natural and handmade product which makes it 100% better ♥ I`ll write about it soon…
Pleťový krém so slimačím sekrétom som v minulosti mala možnosť vyskúšať. Vedela som, že si chcem opäť jeden zadovážiť. Modrý harmanček je krém, ktorý vyrába slovenská značka MODRÁ PÚPAVA. Ide o prírodný a handmade produkt, čo z neho robí o 100% lepší krém ♥ Čoskoro o ňom napíšem viac…
My third present are THESE boots…
Tretím darčekom sú nové topánky – presne TIETO… 

The last present is a Tine K Home small market basket – HERE.
I still have some money in my birthday budget… maybe I write about another lovely presents next time.
Have a nice weekend ♥ Alexandra
Posledným darčekom je malý slamený košík Tine K Home, ktorý nájdete TU.
Stále mi niečo zostáva v narodeninovom „budgete“… možno vám čoskoro napíšem o ďalších milých darčekoch.
Majte krásny víkend ♥ Alexandra

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French Farmhouse style classic / Klasika v štýle French Farmhouse

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I often get asked how to bring French Farmhouse style into your home… There are many simple items how to do that. Today I prepared one very small and practical one for you. It`s a wooden box. I used an old one and treated it with Miss Mustard Seed`s Milk Paint furniture wax – HERE. I`m sure you can also find some new boxes or just make your own.
Alexandra ♥
Často sa ma pýtate, ako dostať do svojho domu French Farmhouse štýl… Existuje niekoľko jednoduchých prvkov a ja som si dnes pre vás pripravila taký malý a veľmi praktický. Je to drevená bednička. V mojom prípade stará a ošetrená voskom od Miss Mustard Seed`s Milk Paint – TU. Viem, že na trhu dostať kúpiť aj nové. Vyrobiť si ich dokonca môžete aj doma.
Alexandra ♥

Do you like the flowers I used? I`ll write about them later this week!

Páčili sa vám kvety, ktoré som použila? Viac o nich budem písať ešte tento týždeň!
Participating in:

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Apples from the garden / Jablká zo záhrady

Both, me and Ninka spent the afternoon in the garden after a few days of rain. We planted tulips, replanted some perennials and checked the apple trees. The red apples aren`t ripe yet. We luckily have an earlier apple variety. They`re yellow – green and mature in early September. There are not much of them so I decided to shred some and put into the freezer. They will be great for kids.
Have a nice weekend ♥
Dnes sme boli s Ninkou po pár dňoch na záhrade. Zasadili sme tulipány, presadili trvalky a skontrolovali úrodu jabĺk. Tie červené zatiaľ nie sú úplne zrelé. Našťastie máme aj skoršiu odrodu žlto – zelených, ktoré dozrievajú  začiatkom septembra. Nie je ich veľa a tak som sa rozhodla ich jednoducho nastrúhať a zamraziť. Budú výborné do čerstvého mixovaného ovocia pre deti.
Majte krásny víkend ♥

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Zinies – an early fall decorating idea / Cínie – nápad na skorú jesennú dekoráciu

An old classic that you can find in every cottage garden this time of year. Their colour range is very bright – from light pink to dark red.

This year I decided to prepare a 5-minute decorating idea for you – a simple early fall flower mantel. All you need is a few glass vases – I found mine at a flea market for a few cents. In addition to the zinies I used botanical prints. Big or small I think it doesn`t matter. I didn`t even put mine into a frame but I used a saucer instead. This idea was a great success on my instagram HERE, so I believe you will like it too ♥
Zinies can last up to 2 weeks. However, it is necessary to regularly change the water…
Have a beautiful week, Alexandra
Stará klasika, ktorú práve teraz nájdeme v každej vidieckej záhrade. Ich farebná škála je pestrá – od svetlo ružovej až po tmavo červenú.
Tento rok som sa rozhodla vvám ukázať môj 5 minútový nápad, ako si pripraviť jednoduchý kvetinový kútik v byte. Stačia vám číre vázy – tie moje som našla na blšom trhu za pár centov. Okrem cínií sú dôležité aj obrázky z herbára. Veľké, či malé na tom si myslím, že nezáleží. Ja som moje dokonca neosadila do žiadneho rámu, ale dala do nádobiek na omáčku. Tento nápad mal veľký úspech na mojom instagrame TU, tak verím, že aj vám sa bude páčiť ♥
Cínie vo váze vydržia až 2 týždne. Je však potrebné im neustále meniť vodu…
Majte krásny týždeň, Alexandra

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Birthday wish / Narodeninové želanie

I love birthdays! One special day in the year… I really don`t care I`m a year older 🙂 It`s only a year of more experiences and memories ♥
Well, in a couple of days I`ll become 34 years old. Except of a beautiful day spent with my family and a small flower I wish something of this wish list as well… But really only a few things 🙂
Have a wonderful weekend!
Milujem narodeniny! Jeden mimoriadny deň v roku… a vôbec mi nevadí, že opäť o rok staršia 🙂 Je to iba jeden rok viac skúseností a spomienok ♥
Nuž, o pár dní budem mať 34 rokov a okrem krásneho dňa s rodinou a malej kvetiny by som si želala niečo z tohto wish listu… Naozaj len niečo 🙂
Majte krásny predĺžený víkend!
1. Pulóver z merinovej vlny – H&M
2. Deka – H&M
3. Ľanové obliečky – H&M
4. Biely pletený pulóver – H&M
5. Brašna na fotoaparát – Olympus kožená brašna Olive En Vogue
6. Kožené členkové čižmy – H&M
7. Bezzrkadlovka – Olympus PEN-F
11. Yankee Candle – Lake Sunset

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Small bouquets / Malé kytičky

Simply charming. Small flower bouquets that make every single corner of our home look a bit prettier. Whether a bedside table, a breakfast nook, a sink, a table in the entryway or a children’s desk. I used to bring a small flower bouquet for Nina`s desk in her girl`s room. Little motivation when writing homework 🙂 Each flower is from our garden – dahlia, veronica, sweet pea, rose. Wild flowers are beautiful too so use them ♥
xoxo, Alexandra
Jednoducho očarujúce. Malé kytičky, ktorými si môžeme okrášliť každý kút v dome. Či už nočný stolík, raňajkový kút, umývadlo, stolík v chodbe alebo aj detský písací stolík. Zvykla som si Ninke priniesť malú kytičku na stôl v detskej. Malá motivácia pri písaní domácich úloh 🙂 Všetko sú to kvietky zo záhrady – georgína, veronika, hrachor voňavý, ruže. Krásne sú však aj kvety, ktoré si nájdete voľne v prírode ♥
xoxo, Alexandra
Dahlia / Georgína


Sweet Pea / Hrachor voňavý

Veronica / Veronika


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Sweet pea / Hrachor voňavý

I`ve grown a few types of flowers from seed over the past few years. This years favourite are sweet peas. There are lots of different types around now, tall, dwarf, doubles… I bought them at a local supermarket and I`m so amazed by this years colour that I let some of the flowers ripen. They`re really easy to grow plus are super pretty with an amazing scent. Now is the time to pick the seeds…
Have a nice Thursday ♥
Existuje niekoľko druhov kvetov, ktoré si zvyknem dopestovať zo semienok. Tohtoročný favorit je hrachor. Známych je veľa druhov – vysoké, nízke, dvojfarebné… Semienka som kúpila na jar v Lidli a neskutočne ma prekvapila tohtoročná farebná kombinácia. Dokonca až tak, že som si niekoľko kvetov nechala dozrieť na semienka. Hrachor je úplne jednoduchý na dopestovanie, nádherný s úžasnou vôňou. No a práve teraz je čas si nazbierať zopár semienok na ďalšiu sezónu…
Majte krásny štvrtok ♥

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Easy ways to clean your vintage furniture

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Owners of vintage furniture are usually aware that it is fragile and demands special maintenance. That doesn’t necessarily involve any expensive cleaning products or special cleaning approach. In fact, cleaning your antique chair can be a great fun, especially when you see the magnificent result in the end. Whether you have just purchased one or it was left in the barn for years, the following steps will help you restore its original brilliance.

 1. Removal of the fittings and overall hoovering

Put the piece of furniture in a convenient for cleaning place and bring on the vacuum cleaner. Make sure to clean it properly, do also the back and underneath, where cobwebs can usually be found. If there are any drawers, take them out and clean inside, under and behind them. Removal of dust is the first step of the cleaning process. Be careful with the vacuum machine, you don’t want to cause any scratches to your valuable furniture. Once you are ready, remove the fittings. It is important to do that as smoothly as possible. Otherwise, you may break something
2. Pre-cleaning inspection

Now is the time to check if any furniture repairs need to be done. In case there is any loosen veneer, stick it carefully with an animal glue or a wood glue. Do not use any other types of glue because you may damage the veneer. Check the feet and moulding as well and if necessary tighten them up. Inspect the furniture for deep scratches and if there are any fill them with a wax stick. Repairing any damages before cleaning is a good way to maintain vintage furniture in excellent condition.
3. Preparation of the cleaning arsenal

You will probably want to keep the vintage furniture gleaming as long as possible, so it is not a good idea to use any harmful chemicals. A wood soap mixed with warm water would be a safe choice. Prepare also a linen cloth, a cotton cloth and a toothbrush for difficult to reach places. While you are cleaning the furniture, don’t rub hard and don’t use a lot of water. This may damage the veneer.
4. Starting with the cleaning

Great environment friendly way to clean the furniture is to mix a small amount of the wooden soap in warm water. Soak the linen cloth in it and start rubbing the furniture gently. Use the toothbrush to clean any hidden places. When you clean all areas, leave for several minutes and then wipe off the soap using a wet clean cloth. If there are stubborn dirty areas, rub them with a little bit of vinegar or turpentine. Once you have cleaned the whole item, wipe it with a dry cotton towel.
5. Polishing the vintage furniture

When the furniture is dry, it is time to restore its glamour. Depending on its type, there are several ways to do that. In case the item was oiled, you only need to buff it with a clean clothing for several minutes until it starts shining. If you discover that it was waxed, put a small amount of wax on the clothing and polish it. When it comes to antique furniture, regular and silicone-based polishers should be avoided.

Now that you have restored the beauty of the vintage furniture, don’t forget to dust it regularly but only with a wet rug. This will prevent the build-up of grime. Keeping this type of furniture out of sunlight is another useful tip. Ultraviolet light has a very bad effect on it. Take a good care of your cosy vintage couch and you will be able to enjoy it for a very long time.

This has been a quest post by Demi Giles. 

Demi Giles knows a lot about cleaning and keeping care of vintage furniture. One of her many hobbies is to share her experience related to cleaning, organizing and DIY. She`s also a manager of her own cleaning agency.

Photo credit: Prairie Charm
Text credit: Demi Giles

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Daniel 1 year

One year he has been here with us. Daniel.

365 days.
But it feels like forever. Like it was always supposed to be this way…
Jeden rok je tu s nami. Danielko.
365 dní.
Mne to však príde, že je tu s nami večnosť. Že to vždy takto malo byť…










Hope you have a nice Friday! I`m still planning a family meeting for Daniel`s 1st birthday. Today only we four had been celebrating (although some of our fury friends joined our company)…

Dúfam, že máte krásny piatok! Mne ešte zostáva naplánovať rodinnú oslavu pre Danielka. Dnes sme oslavovali len vo štvorici (hoci sa pridalo aj niekoľko našich zvieracích kamarátov)…

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